The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Lordaeron WoW v4.49ALPHA
Lordaeron WoW v4.49ALPHA 1 player version Lordaeron WoW v4.49ALPHA
by Darke Pacific

Druid Reworks
3 NEW CLASS: Resto & Balance Druid

Play in this alternative timeline of Lordaeron. Just like WoW; choose your class, level up, gain items, and destroy your enemies.

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Village Fall
Dimensions: 288x288
Playable Area: 280x283
Recommended Players: 8

Size: 95.59 MB
Submitted: 4 Jan 2022 05:24
Rating: 2 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 67


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