The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for World of Warcraft: Version 5.0
World of Warcraft: Version 5.0 12 players version World of Warcraft: Version 5.0
by MaGik(Dragon)

Version 4.0: F2.ElvenRiceman F3.MaGik(Dragon) Origional: Shanti<br />
-Added 3 New Regions For More Advanced Players<br />
-Heros Are More Balaced With New Skills and Statistics<br />
-Items Improved and Revised, Also Added New Items<br />
-Hero selection and more

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Category: Melee
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 160x224
Playable Area: 160x224
Recommended Players: 3v3v3 or 4v4v4

Size: 0.66 MB
Submitted: 1 Mar 2005 07:08
Rating: 58 Good 29 Bad
Downloads: 14004


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