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Map Details for Orcs vs Humans WZ8 2010 v0.02
Orcs vs Humans WZ8  2010  v0.02 10 players version Orcs vs Humans WZ8 2010 v0.02
by caio amaral gomes faria(caio34 )

Its the classic all out battle between orcs and humans. Nobody can stop them so you might as well sit back and watch the fight.

Nuevos Heroes Para Cada Equipo,lol
Punto Fijo. Edo. Falcón, Venezuela.
Edit By:caio34
Special To War Zone

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Lordaeron Fall
Dimensions: 96x64
Playable Area: 96x64
Recommended Players: 2-10

Size: 5.12 MB
Submitted: 5 Nov 2010 23:47
Rating: 2 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 242


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