The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Loan Viet Huyen Su 0.3b
Loan Viet Huyen Su 0.3b 10 players version Loan Viet Huyen Su 0.3b
by ...PA. BTvinh

Cuoc chien khoc liet giua Lac Viet va Loan Quai
Can bang lai chat luong game, cai thien lai mot so bug.
Them che do -ar va -rd
Bo cac shop an o ngoai rung
Can cu khong regen cho hero dich
Fix loi Hac O bi tro ve trang thai fly khi su dung skill cuoi

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 160x160
Playable Area: 160x153
Recommended Players: Suggest 4v4/5v5

Size: 5.74 MB
Submitted: 27 May 2011 13:18
Rating: 8 Good 6 Bad
Downloads: 388


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