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Map Details for Burbenog TD v2.34e Legends
Burbenog TD v2.34e Legends 4 players version Burbenog TD v2.34e Legends
by Shvegait, Mad Mauler

Four players each choose a governor which determines the types of towers able to be built and the guardians able to be summoned. The goal is to prevent all monsters from reaching the center. Teamwork is essential!

Enhanced version of Burbenog 2.32

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Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Tileset: Village Fall
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 84x84
Recommended Players: 2 or 4

Size: 0.3 MB
Submitted: 13 Jun 2011 19:01
Rating: 23 Good 8 Bad
Downloads: 5929


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