The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for 3 Line War v1.1
3 Line War v1.1 4 players version 3 Line War v1.1
by Unknown

3 Lanes the unit in middle come double than the athore lanes you must protect your caslt to stay and victory,you can buy some items,every 60 sec you will get 100 gold and every sec you will get 2 gold,its not a hard game

Good Luck_Have Fun

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 64x96
Playable Area: 52x92
Recommended Players: Must be 4

Size: 0.05 MB
Submitted: 1 Nov 2013 18:15
Rating: 1 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 144


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