The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for War of the Lost Realms Z 17.4
War of the Lost Realms Z 17.4 11 players version War of the Lost Realms Z 17.4
by Lions_Blood

Conquer your enemies with 22 races, build an army farm/fish/hunt/mine/collect wood and sell it at market all while killing creeps and other monsters. In zombie mode team up with your friends and Fight back the undead horde! Host this as often as you wish!

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Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 192x192
Recommended Players: 12

Size: 7.65 MB
Submitted: 3 Apr 2015 05:18
Rating: 4 Good 3 Bad
Downloads: 353


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