The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Fortress Builder V2.3
Fortress Builder V2.3 3 players version Fortress Builder V2.3
by BigDates

Select your race, Capture Thrones, Research your technology, Crush your enemies!

Made by BigDates
Based on CW2 by ArmedCanadian
Overhauled with:
- New Gameplay/research
- Over 50 new units, abilities, and upgrades
- Added/Reworked over 25 castles

Rate this map: (3) Good - (2) Bad

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Category: Other
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 224x224
Playable Area: 216x217
Recommended Players: 6-12

Size: 0.96 MB
Submitted: 4 Dec 2020 09:30
Rating: 3 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 68


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