The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Hell Vs Heaven VM 6.9
Hell Vs Heaven VM 6.9 10 players version Hell Vs Heaven VM 6.9
by Matchstick

Mapsize is huge.. So you must be patient. VM v6.5c<br />
Many bugs fixed, grow fixed. Keeper's fixed, Chosen REMOVED, Queen of Pain balanced. Edited by Matchstick, ideas by ?r£åk§, edited also by iPuppy

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Category: Other
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 192x160
Playable Area: 180x148
Recommended Players: Free thinkers.

Size: 3.69 MB
Submitted: 18 Dec 2007 10:05
Rating: 7 Good 8 Bad
Downloads: 1335


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