The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for GreenTD Wipeout 8.1
GreenTD Wipeout 8.1 9 players version GreenTD Wipeout 8.1
by LTJPunkass

-This version is based on the hardest Green TD ever made.<br />
-Gather together the best team you can, those who win<br />
have the bragging rights of being the best TD players.<br />
-This map spans over 59 towers at your disposal, use<br />
them well.

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Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Tileset: Dungeon
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 96x96
Recommended Players: 11

Size: 1.02 MB
Submitted: 20 Feb 2008 11:47
Rating: 16 Good 5 Bad
Downloads: 3165


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