The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Angel Arena Ice Age v1.1
Angel Arena Ice Age v1.1 12 players version Angel Arena Ice Age v1.1
by MrKennedy666

This map is created by MrKennedy666 (Also Known as Zero_Cool, Nexus, or Anthr4x) From Romania :). Romanian Wrestling fans check out<br />
updated by tno1 check quests to see the changes<br />
Host write . in the start of the game

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Download Download Angel Arena Ice Age v 1.1.w3x

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Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Northrend
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 180x180
Recommended Players: 1v1 - 6vs6

Size: 1.4 MB
Submitted: 23 May 2009 10:34
Rating: 7 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 878


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