The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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Nya'lotha: The Abyssal City v1.5 1 player version Nya'lotha: The Abyssal City v1.5
by World of Raidcraft
Download Nya'lotha.w3x (0.18 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Oct 2011 03:29 4 Good 1 Bad 186
La Mancha v10.3 12 players version La Mancha v10.3
by XxDarkneosxX
Download La Mancha v10.3.w3x (0.24 MB)
Other 24 Oct 2011 02:55 2 Good 1 Bad 185
La Mancha v10.3 12 players version La Mancha v10.3
by deckstatus
Download La Mancha v10.3.w3x (0.24 MB)
Other 24 Oct 2011 02:26 2 Good 1 Bad 113
THE SHOWER GAME!!!!!!!!!!! 11 players version THE SHOWER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
by Valdyrr
Download THE SHOWER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.w3x (0.03 MB)
Other 24 Oct 2011 02:06 2 Good 1 Bad 153
Elfo nocturno07 1 player version Elfo nocturno07
by Blizzard Entertainment II
Download NightElf07.w3m (0.29 MB)
Campaign 24 Oct 2011 02:04 8 Good 2 Bad 395
Legends Ultimatum 10 players version Legends Ultimatum
by Alowey'tor
Download Legends Ultimatum v1.00a.w3x (0.25 MB)
Hero Defense 24 Oct 2011 01:58 3 Good 1 Bad 300
Legend Of Heroes v3.6a [AI] 10 players version Legend Of Heroes v3.6a [AI]
by Linchdragon e Sayaka
Download LOH 3.6a [AI].w3x (6.09 MB)
Hero Defense 24 Oct 2011 01:35 6 Good 1 Bad 565
Strangulated Hills 4 players version Strangulated Hills
by Beetchis
Download (4)StrangulatedHills.w3x (0.21 MB)
Melee 24 Oct 2011 00:39 6 Good 0 Bad 192
9x Hero Defense VN 17/10 6 players version 9x Hero Defense VN 17/10
by Vorse Raider
Download 9xHeroDefenseVN_17_10_2011.w3x (5.54 MB)
Hero Defense 24 Oct 2011 00:36 9 Good 2 Bad 7261
World of Warcraft RISK v2.97a 12 players version World of Warcraft RISK v2.97a
by Clan BHoR
Download WoWRisk2.97aTestMap.w3x (1.92 MB)
Other 24 Oct 2011 00:26 1 Good 1 Bad 382
V4.2 Warrior Warz B E T A 9 players version V4.2 Warrior Warz B E T A
by Mr.Brownish (Uswest)
Download V4.2 Warrior Warz B E T A.w3x (1.97 MB)
Other 24 Oct 2011 00:00 3 Good 1 Bad 166
¿Un mapa diferente? 12 players version ¿Un mapa diferente?
by Ricardo alvarez del aguila
Download (12)un map diferenteee.w3x (1.39 MB)
Other 23 Oct 2011 23:55 3 Good 1 Bad 115
9x Hero Defense VN 20/9 6 players version 9x Hero Defense VN 20/9
by Vorse Raider
Download 9xHeroDefenseVN_20_9_2011.w3x (5.48 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Oct 2011 23:11 3 Good 2 Bad 1396
Blade Dance Spell 1 player version Blade Dance Spell
by Desconocido
Download blade dance by blur16.w3x (0.01 MB)
Other 23 Oct 2011 23:00 3 Good 0 Bad 174
Blade Dance Spell 1 player version Blade Dance Spell
by Desconocido
Download blade dance by blur16.w3x (0.01 MB)
Other 23 Oct 2011 22:03 2 Good 2 Bad 106
Scarlets VS Scourge! 3 players version Scarlets VS Scourge!
by A.T
Download (00) Scarlets VS Scourge.w3m (0.08 MB)
Other 23 Oct 2011 21:46 4 Good 1 Bad 235
Custom DotA v2 6 players version Custom DotA v2
by none
Download Другая Дота v2.w3x (1.34 MB)
Campaign 23 Oct 2011 21:17 2 Good 1 Bad 254
Ice & Fire v0.63 10 players version Ice & Fire v0.63
Download Ice and Fire v0.63.w3x (2 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Oct 2011 20:56 9 Good 2 Bad 259
El Trono de Hielo 2 players version El Trono de Hielo
by Redka Inciarte
Download Arthas Vs IIIdan jefe final.w3x (0.89 MB)
Campaign 23 Oct 2011 20:44 5 Good 1 Bad 507
Pudge Wars Advanced v2.01h 12 players version Pudge Wars Advanced v2.01h
by Siraraz
Download Pudge Wars v2.01h.w3x (0.86 MB)
Other 23 Oct 2011 20:40 2 Good 1 Bad 1521
The Lost World v0.0.0.0 2 players version The Lost World v0.0.0.0
by maddeem
Download The Lost World v0.0.0.0.w3x (0.69 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 23 Oct 2011 19:56 1 Good 1 Bad 138
The Lost World v0.0.0.0 2 players version The Lost World v0.0.0.0
by maddeem
Download The Lost World.w3x (0.69 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 23 Oct 2011 19:56 0 Good 1 Bad 58
The Lost World v0.0.0.0 2 players version The Lost World v0.0.0.0
by maddeem
Download The Lost World.w3x (0.69 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 23 Oct 2011 19:55 1 Good 1 Bad 65
The Lost World 2 players version The Lost World
by maddeem
Download The Lost World.w3x (0.69 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 23 Oct 2011 19:33 1 Good 1 Bad 71
Footmen Frenzy Total Remake ! 8 players version Footmen Frenzy Total Remake !
by MastoDhondt
Download footmen frenzy total remake.w3x (0.08 MB)
Other 23 Oct 2011 19:32 3 Good 1 Bad 111


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