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Map Details for COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 1.7
COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v 1.7 8 players version COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 1.7
by Waugriff

This is the Sequel to COT RPG. Many more quests and items await the players that will fight over 30 bosses to find them. The save and load system will load up 2.0 and up characters. The max level is 300 so be prepared for some powerful monsters.

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 255x255
Playable Area: 255x255
Recommended Players: RPG lovers

Size: 1.09 MB
Submitted: 16 Dec 2005 21:31
Rating: 38 Good 22 Bad
Downloads: 6496


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