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Map Details for Red Light - Green Light v1.5
Red Light - Green Light v1.5 11 players version Red Light - Green Light v1.5
by YoYoHolla

v1.4-5 some other fixes - zarakon<br />
v1.3 zarakon fixed resource bug<br />
v1.2 fixed by stardominatorpb, who fixed the stupid bug where the reds guy is to far away from the goblin labratory to change the lights, red it should work now :D

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Category: Other
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 64x64
Playable Area: 52x52
Recommended Players: 2 or more

Size: 0.14 MB
Submitted: 13 Jan 2006 01:37
Rating: 12 Good 18 Bad
Downloads: 2503


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