The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Vampirism_tag
Vampirism_tag 1 player version Vampirism_tag
by Elfhighlord

Human: Your target is to kill the vampire(s). Build workers to get wood, train hero, do wall &amp; towers to kill vampire(s).<br />
Vampire: Your target is to kill humans. Find &amp; kill their bases &amp; them to gain gold.<br />
By: Elfhighlord in European server.

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Category: Melee
Tileset: Lordaeron Fall
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 84x84
Recommended Players: 5v2, 10v2

Size: 0.05 MB
Submitted: 4 Apr 2010 19:44
Rating: 0 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 96


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