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Epic War » Maps » Island of Frogs II v.5 F |
Map Details for Island of Frogs II v.5 F | ||
Island of Frogs II v.5 F by ManyTimes Frogs escape from the hunters as long as you can. To win you must either destroy all Draeneis or stay alive for X minutes so the sunbeam has enough power to delete all evils...<br /> Draeneis hunt down all Frogs. Rate this map: (20) Good - (8) Bad Download Island of Frogs II v.5 F.w3x Report This Map |
Category: Mini-Game/Sports Tileset: Lordaeron Summer Dimensions: 96x96 Playable Area: 82x81 Recommended Players: 9-11 Size: 0.47 MB Submitted: 15 Feb 2007 23:20 Rating: 20 Good 8 Bad Downloads: 2450 |
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