The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Lvl 8 Terran StarWarsCraft
Lvl 8 Terran StarWarsCraft 1 player version Lvl 8 Terran StarWarsCraft
by redwings1340

The Portal you saw was actually a teleportation device to a main base back in the arctic land of Northrend. You and your allies have quickly destroyed the undead bases around the final fortress, but the fortress is more powerful than you realize.

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Category: Campaign
Tileset: Northrend
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 104x104
Recommended Players: 1

Size: 0.19 MB
Submitted: 15 Jul 2010 04:25
Rating: 2 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 328


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