The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Earthshaker Wars v0.5
Earthshaker Wars v0.5 10 players version Earthshaker Wars v0.5
by GrumweL

Kill Other Earthshaker's
New Terrain.
Many bugs fixed.
New item system.
New Multiboard
Wait 0.6 for new item's and new system's
For your [email protected]

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Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 64x64
Playable Area: 56x55
Recommended Players: 4v4 3v3 2v2 FFA

Size: 2.33 MB
Submitted: 27 Mar 2011 08:34
Rating: 5 Good 4 Bad
Downloads: 1244


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