The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Maphastron Extreme more enemy's
Maphastron Extreme more enemy's 8 players version Maphastron Extreme more enemy's
by GreenManWithAxe re 666-nl

Same as the original MaphastronTD but added some extra lanes so that everyone gets a chance to kill even blue and gray its great for pros but if there are noobs you will prolly lose on level 1 lol Goodluck.

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Category: Tower Defense (Survivor)
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 84x75
Recommended Players: Up to 10

Size: 0.29 MB
Submitted: 24 Apr 2007 22:25
Rating: 5 Good 6 Bad
Downloads: 1401


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