The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Mega Beast v0.5
Mega Beast v0.5 12 players version Mega Beast v0.5
by ElShadow

A Terrible Twosome Brought Back to Life. We Present MEGA BEASTS
With the latest forensic clues, a new two-part special reanimates a pair of the most ferocious heroes ever to roam Earth
-ap, -ar, -di, -um, -random, -repick

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 64x64
Playable Area: 64x64
Recommended Players: Any

Size: 0.06 MB
Submitted: 9 Jan 2012 04:39
Rating: 1 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 182


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