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Map Details for BR: Chapter XX: Fortress (Elite)
BR: Chapter XX: Fortress (Elite) 1 player version BR: Chapter XX: Fortress (Elite)
by Ding760

Developer: Ding760
Guest Developer: pianchi1992
Storyline: Geath Adelemi
Contributing Music(Non-Team Zeheroth): deendeon1000
Music subject to licence:CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Sequel in the 'Burning Redemption' series. Chapter XX is a defence against all odds

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Category: Campaign
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players: 1

Size: 6.69 MB
Submitted: 24 Jan 2012 18:11
Rating: 29 Good 3 Bad
Downloads: 1675


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