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Map Details for Glory of the Horde:24.3
Glory of the Horde:24.3 12 players version Glory of the Horde:24.3
by Panther-Anthro, Clan KOSD

Glory of the Horde, is based upon a 'what-if' the Orcs had won Warcraft II, using this assumption, a tapestry unfolds, and creates a new world, set within the confines of a Ravaged Azeroth! site: Clan KOSD on East for games.

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Category: Campaign
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 416x416
Playable Area: 404x404
Recommended Players: 12

Size: 6.75 MB
Submitted: 18 Feb 2016 02:56
Rating: 0 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 127


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