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Epic War » Maps » Rome v1.52 |
Map Details for Rome v1.52 | ||
Rome v1.52 by Mageweaver01 You're a Roman Peasent. In order to survive and become a Roman Lord you will need to Hunt, Fish, grow Crops, purchase Slaves, and when you are ready: Construct a mighty town, grow and expand! But remember there can only be one Roman Lord! Rate this map: (7) Good - (3) Bad Download Rome V1.52.w3x Report This Map |
Category: Role Playing (RPG) Tileset: Cityscape Dimensions: 224x224 Playable Area: 218x218 Recommended Players: 4+ Size: 1.86 MB Submitted: 24 Aug 2016 15:52 Rating: 7 Good 3 Bad Downloads: 421 |
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