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Map Details for Footman 2v2 v1.4
Footman 2v2 v1.4 1 player version Footman 2v2 v1.4
by ViRUs

New Features in version 1.4:
-max level of heroes is lvl 40
-attribute bonus up to lvl 10
-barracks can be now upgraded to lvl 4
-heroes are cheaper (250 gold)
-heroes have 50 more lifepoints
-sniper-range upgrade now for mortars too

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 96x64
Playable Area: 84x52
Recommended Players: 2 vs 2

Size: 0.04 MB
Submitted: 6 Apr 2019 08:33
Rating: 1 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 154


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