The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Enfo DeathMetal 1.02
Enfo DeathMetal 1.02 8 players version Enfo DeathMetal 1.02
by ChopstickZ

I know that this one needs a fix but I am going on a longer journey with no time for enfo and I wanted you to present the new content before leaving. Read loading screen info and help making a v1.02b!<br />
<br />
Have fun!

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 160x128
Playable Area: 160x124
Recommended Players: 2on2, 3on3, 4on4

Size: 1.25 MB
Submitted: 9 Sep 2007 21:44
Rating: 39 Good 14 Bad
Downloads: 11739


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