The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Castle Fight 1.30 (SL) E.15u
Castle Fight 1.30 (SL) E.15u 10 players version Castle Fight 1.30 (SL) E.15u
by Gex\Elf_Stratigo&Vam-pirrr\dd_mn And Edit By Thai Son

- An epic battle between the two castles!
- Looks like the author has abandoned this map?
- I'm Thai Son edited it and further developed it including some new houses, new troops added from CF_EU, CF_Supremacy, and some new features or commands added by me, including map bug fixes.

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Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 128x64
Playable Area: 104x54
Recommended Players: 2,4,6,10

Size: 2.17 MB
Submitted: 4 Aug 2021 01:49
Rating: 1 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 152


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