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Map Details for Sea Knight Errant0.38
Sea Knight Errant0.38 10 players version Sea Knight Errant0.38
by GoldSeal9999

we could add 100% drop rate for specific items by bugging all the rest of the gear ingame! meaning you cant even load the weapon! thats how the game breaking weapon is for this game! but this time for our benefit! maybe even add exp rate for only one class! I know how crash the game if select other chars! or ban people for selecting a class not have selected!

save folder set to Chief RPG -> Sea Knight Errant, guess this change wipes your previous code to! sorry about this! I might as well do a codewipe if previous saves dont work..!! worth it for the branding though! I will help you get previous gear later!

patched cheat command @, pretty sure it is..!! will revert later!

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 256x256
Playable Area: 252x252
Recommended Players: 여러명

Size: 12.55 MB
Submitted: 17 May 2024 21:07
Rating: 0 Good 2 Bad
Downloads: 33


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