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Map Details for BAW RPG 4.9F (1500% EXP VERSION!)
BAW RPG 4.9F (1500% EXP VERSION!) 10 players version BAW RPG 4.9F (1500% EXP VERSION!)
by KelvinsBAWChatGroup

when your ready to transfer to 6.2F theres no going back after, here are the map versions that should host/play! others should be hosting it as well to! is more soloable so if you cant get more people help with tier up.. transfer over!

newest version! doesnt mean good, just more relevance!;


oldest version, dont download others because it may have save/load code bug! I was testing at time and uploaded it!;


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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 480x288
Playable Area: 480x288
Recommended Players: Recommended by 3 or more

Size: 49.14 MB
Submitted: 18 May 2024 09:24
Rating: 0 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 83


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