The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for pa .00004d
pa .00004d 10 players version pa .00004d
by TheMilitaryIsTakingOverBitch6

this map was stolen from translated BAW 6.2F which I uploaded to epicwar myself! which we dont know who author even is! if not a robot! it doesnt mean BAW 6.2F noobs can steal my new hosters/supporters/players in return! if you do that they will quit sooner than later! why your map version is dead! cant even beat a soloable version of a krpg yet..!! when many cheats/hacks out there already for it! just check w3edit! who doesnt want more drop rate/exp! quit with your 'hypocrisy!', ahahs! 555!+


- take 120/350 portal in 3rd city for shortcut to little kobold/big boi
kobold bosses!


- there will be no updates for this version at all! this version is final!


- 0 = New America

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Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 480x288
Playable Area: 480x288
Recommended Players: 3명 이상 추천

Size: 52.3 MB
Submitted: 19 May 2024 17:56
Rating: 0 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 21


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