The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Evolution Tag 37.14
Evolution Tag 37.14 12 players version Evolution Tag 37.14
by none

How to win: Kill the other team (excludes neutrals)

Special Stuff: You can upgrade your unit multiple times with variety of choices, tag-style gameplay at beginning and team-battle style gameplay after, and events

humans have to avoid the undead and neutrals but eventually have to kill them later on. humans that die can join a random neutral team (naga or ice/gnolls), after death as neutral, human will be able to evolve as neutral bird.

To get more gold: you need to find coins, gold chickens, kill other team and neutrals.

Game Commands: -gold <playerid> <amount> -wood <playerid> <count> - send resources, -nre (no random events), -nn (no obstructions), -np (no pirates), -skip (vote to skip to final battle), -stats, -mode|r

Cheats: $key, keyq, $ui, $ui2, $screen, $screen <factor>, $mouse, $dmgmode <0/1/2>, $mh0/$umh0, $mh1/$umh1, $mh2/$umh2, $info, $scd, $std
Cam: $camz, $camzf, $cama, $camd, $camfov, $camzoff, $camroll, $camrot
Use $clear to clear screen from messages
HCL : n/a, l/n/p, a/e, n/h/e/f, <o> <n> <p/k>
Special for WC3 1.26a

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Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 160x160
Playable Area: 128x126
Recommended Players:

Size: 23.67 MB
Submitted: 16 Aug 2024 06:19
Rating: 0 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 82


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