The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Silverpine Forest Evergreen
Silverpine Forest Evergreen 6 players version Silverpine Forest Evergreen
by Blizzard Entertainment, and IceSandslash

Conveniently close by, mercenary Heroes are available for hire. Among these rich resources and forested hills, you could team up with allies or strike out on your own. Evergreen edition.

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Category: Melee
Tileset: Lordaeron Winter
Dimensions: 160x160
Playable Area: 136x136
Recommended Players: 1v1 - 3v3 or FFA

Size: 0.8 MB
Submitted: 22 Aug 2024 09:47
Rating: 0 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 143


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