The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Jurassic Park Manager 1.00
Jurassic Park Manager 1.00 6 players version Jurassic Park Manager 1.00
by Purparisien

You are a new entrepreneur that will create his own Jurassic Park. Amidst tough competition and the forces of nature, you will recreate dinosaurs into an attractive and lucrative park.
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Park Infrastructure: Players build various structures like enclosures, various shops, and visitor attractions to keep the park running smoothly.

Visitor Management: The success of the park depends on attracting visitors and keeping them satisfied, but also ensuring their safety from dinosaur escapes.

Security Park: Ensure the safety of the Park against potential eco-terrorist attacks and competitors industrial espionage.

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Category: Other
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 256x288
Playable Area: 256x288
Recommended Players: 6 Entrepreneurs

Size: 21.59 MB
Submitted: 7 Oct 2024 18:26
Rating: 4 Good 1 Bad
Downloads: 52


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