The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Green TD Survival 1.8
Green TD Survival 1.8 9 players version Green TD Survival 1.8
by Youkaiz

Boss Waves, Divine Waves, 4 Game types, 4 Races, many spells, 9 Towers types, Very small map size, Multiboard, 52 waves, Infinit last wave, Record of team kills and survival time in last wave, Interest every 10 sec, Many itens, Can Downgrade Tower.

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Category: Tower Defense (Survivor)
Tileset: Village
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 96x96
Recommended Players: 1 to 9

Size: 0.32 MB
Submitted: 7 Oct 2024 23:33
Rating: 0 Good 0 Bad
Downloads: 139


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