The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

Map Details for Sengoku Jidai v1.05
Sengoku Jidai v1.05 10 players version Sengoku Jidai v1.05
by LittleOrc Creations

Choose your hero from 20 different heros, and join the Battlefields of Japan. Destroy your opponents' keep to win.<br />
Fast-paced speed, custom models, unique abilities, and much more make this game like none other!

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Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Lordaeron Winter
Dimensions: 96x64
Playable Area: 84x52
Recommended Players: 5v5

Size: 3.75 MB
Submitted: 13 Oct 2006 12:04
Rating: 6 Good 7 Bad
Downloads: 1263


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