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Map Details for Blood Elf Champaign 6 - Scrouges End
Blood Elf Champaign 6 - Scrouges End 1 player version Blood Elf Champaign 6 - Scrouges End
by Buster_Blader

Kael'thas and his Blood Elfs are helping a Human Nation, but they have a deal. The Blood Elfs help them to crush and banish the Scrouge from Lordaeron, and the Humans give them after the War a small army. This Humans have concluded a truce during the war.

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Category: Other
Tileset: Village
Dimensions: 192x256
Playable Area: 180x244
Recommended Players: 1 P CHAMPAIGN

Size: 0.17 MB
Submitted: 23 Jan 2009 17:59
Rating: 37 Good 11 Bad
Downloads: 1169


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