The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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  Name Category Datearrow Rating Downloads
Divide And Slaughter 1 player version Divide And Slaughter
by Unknown
Download Divide And Slaughter.w3x (0.04 MB)
Melee 13 Nov 2005 07:44 7 Good 9 Bad 1898
The Massacre 1 player version The Massacre
by CocoaPuffs
Download The Massacre.w3x (0.15 MB)
Melee 13 Nov 2005 07:36 11 Good 12 Bad 1675
Build Your Own Maze 1.21 10 players version Build Your Own Maze 1.21
by Los_Tacos
Download (10)Build_Your_Own_Maze_1.21_Protected.w3x (0.28 MB)
Other 13 Nov 2005 01:58 11 Good 11 Bad 1909
Sims Warcraft 7 players version Sims Warcraft
by Richei50
Download SIMS Warcraft.w3x (0.29 MB)
Other 13 Nov 2005 01:12 26 Good 14 Bad 4947
PassTheBomb3.0 NoTimer1.2 12 players version PassTheBomb3.0 NoTimer1.2
by TheImpersonator
Download PassTheBombVersion3.0 NoTimer1.2.w3x (0.11 MB)
Other 12 Nov 2005 19:35 7 Good 9 Bad 1098
Moo Moo v1.2 6 players version Moo Moo v1.2
by none
Download Moo Moo v1.2.w3x (1.97 MB)
Hero Defense 12 Nov 2005 05:09 83 Good 32 Bad 24069
Battle Ships advanced 5.15 10 players version Battle Ships advanced 5.15
by sked - trollkopp
Download Battle Ships advanced 5.15-p-o.w3x (1.11 MB)
Hero Defense 11 Nov 2005 19:21 15 Good 11 Bad 2636
Elite Snipers 4.0 v1B 12 players version Elite Snipers 4.0 v1B
by OMNi_
Download Elite Snipers 4.0 [TFT] v1B.w3x (1.21 MB)
Hero Arena 11 Nov 2005 18:37 12 Good 14 Bad 1823
Japan Risk Version 2.0 12 players version Japan Risk Version 2.0
by teh3rdchild
Download JapanRiskv1.1.w3m (0.15 MB)
Other 11 Nov 2005 18:36 13 Good 17 Bad 2914
SWAT vs Resident Evil 9 players version SWAT vs Resident Evil
by Red
Download SwatResEvil17.1.w3x (0.67 MB)
Other 11 Nov 2005 17:31 114 Good 34 Bad 40195
SWAT: Aftermath 9 players version SWAT: Aftermath
by Red
Download SwatAfter122.w3x (0.9 MB)
Other 11 Nov 2005 17:30 29 Good 12 Bad 6190
Elite Snipers 4.0 TFT v1 12 players version Elite Snipers 4.0 TFT v1
by OMNi_
Download Elite Snipers 4.0 [TFT] v1.w3x (1.2 MB)
Hero Arena 11 Nov 2005 17:01 17 Good 10 Bad 1497
DotA Allstars v6.23 10 players version DotA Allstars v6.23
by IceFrog
Download DotA Allstars v6.23.w3x (2.25 MB)
Hero Defense 11 Nov 2005 00:09 70 Good 13 Bad 14383
Pass The Bomb! Version 3.0 12 players version Pass The Bomb! Version 3.0
by TheImpersonator
Download Pass The Bomb! Version 3.0.w3x (0.11 MB)
Other 10 Nov 2005 17:07 26 Good 13 Bad 5870
Evolution Unleashed 8 players version Evolution Unleashed
by GrayFael
Download Evolution Unleashed v1.2.w3m (0.23 MB)
Other 10 Nov 2005 05:55 25 Good 12 Bad 3041
Evolution (Might and Magic) 8 players version Evolution (Might and Magic)
by Duckfart
Download Evolution Of Might and Magic.w3m (0.23 MB)
Other 10 Nov 2005 05:38 29 Good 10 Bad 4570
DotA: Danite's Hell 10 players version DotA: Danite's Hell
by Eul
Download DanitesHell.w3m (0.59 MB)
Hero Defense 8 Nov 2005 08:36 69 Good 26 Bad 13465
DotA Allstars v6.22 10 players version DotA Allstars v6.22
by IceFrog
Download DotA Allstars v6.22.w3x (2.25 MB)
Hero Defense 8 Nov 2005 05:47 82 Good 30 Bad 15820
Sniping Syndicate v.1.1 12 players version Sniping Syndicate v.1.1
by Omni_ and Chirus
Download Sniping Sydicate v.1.1[p].w3x (2.19 MB)
Hero Arena 8 Nov 2005 04:05 22 Good 13 Bad 1549
Kyxs Ice Trollsv2.4.1(P) 10 players version Kyxs Ice Trollsv2.4.1(P)
by Kyxoan.
Download Kyxs Ice Troll Tribes v2.4.1(P).w3x (2.88 MB)
Other 7 Nov 2005 18:02 36 Good 11 Bad 2535
Ruins RPG v9.8b 10 players version Ruins RPG v9.8b
by wyrmlord/wyrmmaster
Download Ruins RPGv9.8b(Protected).w3x (0.44 MB)
Other 6 Nov 2005 22:15 38 Good 16 Bad 3442
Ruins RPG v9.7b 10 players version Ruins RPG v9.7b
by wyrmlord/wyrmmaster
Download Ruins RPGv9.7b(Protected).w3x (0.44 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 5 Nov 2005 07:22 23 Good 17 Bad 2685
Maze Challenger 3 LAST 11 players version Maze Challenger 3 LAST
by LimiteR
Download Maze Challenger 3 FINAL Version.w3m (0.08 MB)
Other 5 Nov 2005 06:03 22 Good 16 Bad 3028
DotA Allstars v6.21 10 players version DotA Allstars v6.21
by IceFrog
Download DotA Allstars v6.21.w3x (2.25 MB)
Hero Defense 4 Nov 2005 07:05 93 Good 23 Bad 20743
Castle Seize v1.1 8 players version Castle Seize v1.1
by F. ZevoN.
Download Castle Seize Map v1.1.w3x (0.08 MB)
Hero Defense 2 Nov 2005 15:20 82 Good 13 Bad 3355


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Maps are provided as is and are not guaranteed to be without errors.
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