The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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DDay: Judgement 17.1F 10 players version DDay: Judgement 17.1F
by Alex & Daniel
Download JDay171F.w3x (2.56 MB)
Other 31 Jul 2005 01:07 96 Good 24 Bad 24201
Counter-Strike TD v2.6s 8 players version Counter-Strike TD v2.6s
by Synesthesia
Download CounterStrikeTDva2.7sbeta.w3x (0.16 MB)
Other 30 Jul 2005 21:35 28 Good 20 Bad 7693
Elite Snipers 3.0 TFT v1fb 12 players version Elite Snipers 3.0 TFT v1fb
by Evacide
Download (12)Elite Snipers 3.0 [TFT] v1fb -opt.w3x (1.19 MB)
Hero Arena 30 Jul 2005 15:07 10 Good 10 Bad 2480
CS Sniping Tactics 12 players version CS Sniping Tactics
by Moronicizer
Download CS Sniping Tactics 1.81.w3x (0.38 MB)
Hero Arena 30 Jul 2005 15:02 14 Good 16 Bad 6075
DBZ TD The Fusion Levels 8 players version DBZ TD The Fusion Levels
by MonkeyLicker
Download DBZ TD The Fusion Levels V1.w3x (0.12 MB)
Other 29 Jul 2005 05:30 54 Good 17 Bad 11542
DBZ TD The Fusion Levels v4.3 8 players version DBZ TD The Fusion Levels v4.3
by Cyberduck_
Download DBZ_TD_The_Fusion_Levels_V4.3.w3x (0.13 MB)
Other 29 Jul 2005 05:29 15 Good 11 Bad 5908
Poker TD 2.0 Final 8 players version Poker TD 2.0 Final
by Buckyball
Download Poker TD 2.0 Final.w3m (0.19 MB)
Tower Defense (Survivor) 29 Jul 2005 05:28 330 Good 74 Bad 68990
Meadow Melee v1.0 10 players version Meadow Melee v1.0
by BrittleSnaparm and AutumnWren
Download Meadow Melee v1.0.w3x (0.08 MB)
Hero Arena 28 Jul 2005 07:39 8 Good 13 Bad 1597
Hero line Wars 9.3 10 players version Hero line Wars 9.3
by Rubberneck,Surray&Sargentpeepers
Download Hero Line Warz V9.3.w3x (0.23 MB)
Other 28 Jul 2005 00:06 586 Good 152 Bad 134131
10Hero (????) Hybrid V1.2b 10 players version 10Hero (????) Hybrid V1.2b
by ??:sunq ???:???(???)
Download 10herohybridyain.w3m (0.15 MB)
Hero Defense 28 Jul 2005 00:06 49 Good 16 Bad 11695
The Great Strategy V2.06a 10 players version The Great Strategy V2.06a
by Hank_s
Download TGS_V2.06a.w3x (0.55 MB)
Hero Defense 27 Jul 2005 14:37 20 Good 13 Bad 3253
Enfo's Team Survival 2006 8 players version Enfo's Team Survival 2006
by Flash 96
Download ETS 2006 Early V.w3x (0.6 MB)
Hero Defense 27 Jul 2005 14:35 144 Good 30 Bad 32236
Digimon-Frontier English!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 players version Digimon-Frontier English!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Zero_Knight
Download Digimon-Frontier in english!!!!!!!!.w3x (0.74 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 27 Jul 2005 10:19 70 Good 41 Bad 21916
ShEeP TaG Rots-AdVaNcEd 12 players version ShEeP TaG Rots-AdVaNcEd
by xfUtUreBOYx
Download ShEeP TaG RoTs- AdVaNCeD.w3x (0.18 MB)
Mini-Game/Sports 27 Jul 2005 10:06 7 Good 14 Bad 1633
Aliens Vs Predators v0.6r 10 players version Aliens Vs Predators v0.6r
by Scythe-X & Sucram_ V0.6
Download Aliens Vs Predator.w3x (0.95 MB)
Other 26 Jul 2005 13:45 15 Good 16 Bad 4179
Tree Tag, The 2 Invasion 12 players version Tree Tag, The 2 Invasion
by klesk@Europe
Download Tree Tag, The 2 Invasion.w3x (0.27 MB)
Other 25 Jul 2005 12:06 15 Good 12 Bad 4284
DBZ Rpg Ultimate V1.0 12 players version DBZ Rpg Ultimate V1.0
by ClaudStrofe
Download DBZ Rpg Ultimate V1.0 LOCKED.w3x (1.82 MB)
Other 25 Jul 2005 03:33 66 Good 20 Bad 8064
Legends vs Heroes v1.3 11 players version Legends vs Heroes v1.3
by mapper300
Download LvH v1.3.w3x (0.3 MB)
Hero Arena 24 Jul 2005 04:08 10 Good 15 Bad 2652
Star Wars KotOR 2.0 6 players version Star Wars KotOR 2.0
by Lord_Sion
Download (4)Star Wars KotOR 2.0.w3x (3.64 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 24 Jul 2005 04:08 46 Good 25 Bad 18764
Star Wars Battleships v1.0 10 players version Star Wars Battleships v1.0
by fopfan1 (U.S. West)
Download StarWars Battleships v1.0(Protected).w3x (3.02 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Jul 2005 12:42 41 Good 35 Bad 22039
Enfos Team Survival 3002 8 players version Enfos Team Survival 3002
by Cosmos
Download Enfos Team Survival 3002.w3x (0.54 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Jul 2005 06:59 386 Good 82 Bad 227726
=|Fuza'sTeamSurvival9.3c|= 10 players version =|Fuza'sTeamSurvival9.3c|=
by Fuza
Download Fuza'sTeamSurvival9.3c.w3x (0.39 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Jul 2005 06:57 70 Good 23 Bad 13619
X Hero Siege 3.11 8 players version X Hero Siege 3.11
by Sogat
Download X_Hero_Siege_3.11.w3x (0.4 MB)
Hero Defense 23 Jul 2005 06:22 592 Good 91 Bad 132575
Island Troll Tribes v1.91 12 players version Island Troll Tribes v1.91
by Moop
Download Island Troll Tribes 1.91 Pro.w3x (2.04 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 22 Jul 2005 20:45 294 Good 47 Bad 19685
Fortress II Outbreak v.99c 10 players version Fortress II Outbreak v.99c
by Xerox237
Download Fortress II Outbreak v.99c.w3x (0.45 MB)
Role Playing (RPG) 22 Jul 2005 20:42 22 Good 11 Bad 2235


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