The Epic War® Warcraft 3 Map Database

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by Doom (elf-of-the-nite)
Download GLADIATORS- THE FINALS.w3x (0.35 MB)
Hero Arena 16 May 2005 21:50 30 Good 13 Bad 9133
Land Of Legends II v1.063 10 players version Land Of Legends II v1.063
by Created by ZeeRoX
Download Land Of Legends II v1.063.w3x (3.44 MB)
Hero Defense 16 May 2005 21:47 17 Good 10 Bad 3629
Footmen vs Grunts 4.35 10 players version Footmen vs Grunts 4.35
by newbie-w3
Download Footmen vs Grunts v4.35.w3x (0.28 MB)
Other 16 May 2005 21:45 171 Good 38 Bad 16211
BFTG: Altar of Depths v.1.01 12 players version BFTG: Altar of Depths v.1.01
by Snatch
Download Battle For The Grounds - Altar of Depths v.1.01.w3x (0.44 MB)
Other 16 May 2005 08:23 17 Good 13 Bad 2903
Three Kingdom AOS The Frozen Throne 9 players version Three Kingdom AOS The Frozen Throne
by Goju Tessai
Download AoSTriwarTFTGTBETA1.w3x (0.16 MB)
Hero Defense 16 May 2005 06:49 35 Good 18 Bad 7745
DOTA Allstar's Survival Du 8 players version DOTA Allstar's Survival Du
by Chkaka
Download DotaAllstar'sSurvivalDual 2.0.w3x (0.35 MB)
Hero Defense 16 May 2005 06:48 112 Good 42 Bad 23061
?? ?? 5 10 players version ?? ?? 5
by weevilman
Download DarkDeeds5.5inChinese.w3m (1.23 MB)
Hero Defense 16 May 2005 06:44 11 Good 9 Bad 2153
Defense of the Ancients: EX2 beta12 10 players version Defense of the Ancients: EX2 beta12
by Eul
Download Defense of the Ancients - EX2 beta12.w3x (0.73 MB)
Hero Defense 16 May 2005 06:34 15 Good 12 Bad 1970
Base 1 player version Base
by Unknown
Download Base.w3x (0.01 MB)
Other 16 May 2005 06:26 15 Good 25 Bad 1305
X Hero Siege 3.05 8 players version X Hero Siege 3.05
by Sogat
Download X Hero Siege 3.05.w3x (0.57 MB)
Other 16 May 2005 04:31 685 Good 138 Bad 173069
The Big Adventure 2 2 players version The Big Adventure 2
by Houndtooth
Download (1)TBA(On the Road of the Shadow).w3m (0.11 MB)
Other 15 May 2005 13:43 28 Good 15 Bad 6696
Slayer's Arena 12 players version Slayer's Arena
by modified by Sir Slayer
Download Slayer's Arena.w3x (0.31 MB)
Hero Arena 15 May 2005 10:29 37 Good 15 Bad 9755
Mini Hero Arena V2.1 12 players version Mini Hero Arena V2.1
by Kuchiki_Rukia
Download (12) Mini Hero Arena V2.1.w3x (0.05 MB)
Hero Arena 15 May 2005 03:04 18 Good 14 Bad 1738
Mini Hero Arena V2.0 12 players version Mini Hero Arena V2.0
by Kuchiki_Rukia
Download (12) Mini Hero Arena. V2.0.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Arena 14 May 2005 09:45 17 Good 10 Bad 1425
Battle For Middle Earth 11.0 12 players version Battle For Middle Earth 11.0
by LiLpHiL29
Download Battle for middle earth 11.0.w3m (0.29 MB)
Campaign 14 May 2005 07:22 36 Good 16 Bad 5515
Helms Deep Movie Version 4 11 players version Helms Deep Movie Version 4
by LiLPhiL29
Download HelmsDeepMV4.w3m (0.07 MB)
Castle Defense 14 May 2005 07:21 27 Good 22 Bad 4015
The Battle of Troy 4.0 12 players version The Battle of Troy 4.0
by LiLpHiL29
Download The Battle of Troy 4.0.w3x (0.11 MB)
Campaign 14 May 2005 07:21 64 Good 20 Bad 17809
DOTA Extreme v1.07 10 players version DOTA Extreme v1.07
by Wei Keat ( )
Download (1) DotaExtreme v1.07.w3x (0.8 MB)
Other 14 May 2005 07:20 81 Good 31 Bad 19296
Battle for Pelennor Fields v1.3 12 players version Battle for Pelennor Fields v1.3
by LiLpHiL29
Download Battle for Pelennor Fields Beta[3].w3x (0.16 MB)
Campaign 14 May 2005 07:19 27 Good 13 Bad 3707
The Alamo Gold v1.5 12 players version The Alamo Gold v1.5
by LiLpHiL29
Download alamo reaL.w3x (0.07 MB)
Castle Defense 14 May 2005 07:18 19 Good 16 Bad 2151
Defence for Minas Tirith 11 players version Defence for Minas Tirith
by LiLPhiL29
Download Defence of Minas Tirith v11.0.w3x (0.99 MB)
Castle Defense 14 May 2005 07:18 28 Good 15 Bad 6956
Zoator TD 2.0 10 players version Zoator TD 2.0
by Zoator
Download Zoator TD 2.0.w3m (0.12 MB)
Tower Defense (Cooperative) 14 May 2005 03:35 67 Good 21 Bad 22053
Mini Hero Arena V1.7 12 players version Mini Hero Arena V1.7
by Kuchiki_Rukia
Download (12) Mini Hero Arena. V1.7.w3x (0.04 MB)
Hero Arena 13 May 2005 11:09 21 Good 14 Bad 1668
Armies of the Underworld v1.2 10 players version Armies of the Underworld v1.2
by Xenoche
Download AotU v1.2.w3x (1.36 MB)
Hero Defense 12 May 2005 22:11 28 Good 22 Bad 6715
Defenders Of The Forest v 5.58 SE 10 players version Defenders Of The Forest v 5.58 SE
by Bora Kasap
Download DOTF v.5.58 Special Pack.w3x (1.24 MB)
Hero Defense 12 May 2005 22:09 20 Good 11 Bad 2789


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